Project Euler等で時々C++を使うのだが,
template <class T> // 重みの型 void dijkstra(const Graph &g, // 入力グラフ const EdgeProperty<T> &weight, // 各辺の重み(非負) const Vertex &s, // 始点 T *d, // 始点からの最短距離 int *p // 最短経路木における各頂点の親 ); template <class T> void dijkstra(const Graph &g, const EdgeProperty<T> &weight, const Vertex &s, T *d, int *p) { const int size = g.succ.size(); bool *f = new bool[size]; fill_n(d, size, INT_MAX), d[s] = 0, fill_n(p, size, -1); typedef pair<T, int> Distance; priority_queue< Distance, vector<Distance>, greater<Distance> > q; q.push(Distance(0, s)); while (!q.empty()) { int u; T d_u; tie(d_u, u) = q.top(), q.pop(); if (f[u]) continue; f[u] = true; foreach (Vertex v, g.succ[u]) if (d[v] > d_u + weight(u, v)) p[v] = u, q.push(Distance(d[v] = d_u + weight(u, v), v)); } }
/* Time-stamp:<2010-02-12 22:24:53> * dijkstra.cpp * ダイクストラ法. */ #include "boost/tuple/tuple.hpp" #include <climits> #include <queue> #include "graph.h" using namespace boost; template <class T> // 重みの型 void dijkstra(const Graph &g, // 入力グラフ const EdgeProperty<T> &weight, // 各辺の重み(非負) const Vertex &s, // 始点 T *d, // 始点からの最短距離 int *p // 最短経路木における各頂点の親 ); template <class T> void dijkstra(const Graph &g, const EdgeProperty<T> &weight, const Vertex &s, T *d, int *p) { const int size = g.succ.size(); bool *f = new bool[size]; fill_n(d, size, INT_MAX), d[s] = 0, fill_n(p, size, -1); typedef pair<T, int> Distance; priority_queue< Distance, vector<Distance>, greater<Distance> > q; q.push(Distance(0, s)); while (!q.empty()) { int u; T d_u; tie(d_u, u) = q.top(), q.pop(); if (f[u]) continue; f[u] = true; foreach (Vertex v, g.succ[u]) if (d[v] > d_u + weight(u, v)) p[v] = u, q.push(Distance(d[v] = d_u + weight(u, v), v)); } } int main () { typedef int Weight; const int n = 4; Graph g = Graph(n); EdgeProperty<Weight> weight; weight[g.add_edge(0, 1)] = 4; weight[g.add_edge(0, 2)] = 1; weight[g.add_edge(1, 3)] = 1; weight[g.add_edge(2, 1)] = 1; weight[g.add_edge(2, 3)] = 5; cout << g << endl; Weight *dist = new Weight[n]; int *prev = new int[n]; dijkstra<Weight>(g, weight, 0, dist, prev); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) cout << i << ": " << dist[i] << ", from " << prev[i] << endl; }
/* Time-stamp:<2010-02-12 22:30:39> * graph.h */ #include <iostream> #include <utility> #include <vector> #include <map> #include <boost/foreach.hpp> #define foreach BOOST_FOREACH using namespace std; typedef int Vertex; typedef pair<Vertex, Vertex> Edge; typedef vector<Edge> EdgeList; typedef vector<Vertex> VertexList; typedef vector<VertexList> AdjacencyList; class Graph { public: AdjacencyList succ, pred; Graph(const int &n) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) succ.push_back(VertexList()), pred.push_back(VertexList()); } Edge add_edge(const Vertex &tail, const Vertex &head) { succ[tail].push_back(head); pred[head].push_back(tail); return Edge(tail, head); } friend ostream &operator << (ostream &outs, const Graph &g) { const int num_vertices = g.succ.size(); int num_edges = 0; for (int i = 0; i < num_vertices; ++i) { num_edges += g.succ[i].size(); } outs << "Number of vertices: " << num_vertices << endl; outs << "Number of edges: " << num_edges << endl; outs << "Adjacency:" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < num_vertices; ++i) { outs << i << ": -> "; foreach (Vertex u, g.succ[i]) outs << u << " "; outs << endl; outs << i << ": <- "; foreach (Vertex u, g.pred[i]) outs << u << " "; outs << endl; } return outs; } }; template <class T> class EdgeProperty { private: int size; public: T **w_array; map<Edge, T> w_map; EdgeProperty() { size = -1; } EdgeProperty(const int &n) { w_array = new T*[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) w_array[i] = new T[n]; size = n; } T& get(const Vertex &tail, const Vertex &head) { if (size == -1) return w_map[Edge(tail, head)]; else if (tail < size && head < size) return w_array[tail][head]; } T& get(const Edge &e) { return get(e.first, e.second); } T& operator[] (const Edge &e) { return get(e); } T operator() (const Vertex &tail, const Vertex &head) const { if (size == -1) return w_map.find(Edge(tail, head))->second; else if (tail < size && head < size) return w_array[tail][head]; } T operator() (const Edge &e) const { return (*this)(e.first, e.second); } };
# お前の腕がないだ(ry